Linda’s Events — 2024-2025


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Book a School Visit With Linda



An interactive Author’s  Visit program

Linda K. Bridges is currently available for Author’s Visits with schools, individual classrooms, bookstores and writer’s groups via Zoom or In- Person meetings.

 Linda has an interactive 45 minutes to 1 hour program packages that can be adjusted for your specific needs. See below for a tentative outline of what her program consists of.

K-2nd Grade: this program involves the following:

  1. Introduction to her books: Hildie’s Hat Party and Sammy’s New Friends.
  2. Reading of Hildie’s Hat Party out loud with ensuing visuals and discussion using questions at the end of the book.
  3. Q & A with Hildie (using the hand-puppet)–allowing the children to ask Hildie Hedgehog questions or specific questions to Linda herself.
  4. Distribution of a free Dancing Hildie finger puppet for each child and free Coloring sheets from either story available as a downloadable  printout.
  5. One signed, classroom edition of Sammy’s New Friends or Hildie’s Hat Party for your classroom library.

3-5th Grades: This program includes:

  1. Points 1 & 2 from above program
  2. Developing a storybook character–This includes a fun interview with one of Linda’s storybook characters.
  3. Demonstration of the author’s ‘story plot grid’  a simplified guide to writing a story from the first idea to ‘The End’. ( A chart is available as a downloadable for class distribution.)
  4. *An artist demonstration of Hildie Hedgehog or Sammy Bunny. (*This activity is optional, and please keep in mind that this takes approximately 10-12 minutes.)
  5. One signed, classroom edition of Sammy’s New Friends or Hildie’s Hat Party for your classroom library.

6-8th grades and beyond.  This program focuses more on the art of writing the story. It is adaptable–if the interest levels is more for the artistic side of illustrating the story. Linda is willing to adapt her presentation to the class interests (60 to 90 minute option, based on classroom needs).

  1. Introducing ‘The Art and Craft of Creating A Children’s Illustrated Storybook.’
  2. Read Hildie’s Hat Party out loud with images available for all to see.
  3. Demonstration of the author’s story plot grid’, a simplified guide to writing a children’s story from first idea to ‘The End.’ This chart is available as a free downloadable for class distribution.
  4. Five Tips for developing your storybook characters, visually and as words on paper.
  5. Making a ‘book dummy’ using your story (and preliminary sketches of characters). Children can participate in this activity by making their own dummy.
  6. *A live demo of Linda drawing one of her favorite storybook characters (*optional and keep in mind this takes approximately 10-12 minutes).
  7. One signed, classroom edition of Sammy’s New Friends or Hildie’s Hat Party for your classroom library.

Linda’s Author’s Visit Fees:

For in-person events, Linda speaks for free, but asks that a note go out to participating classes to let their students know they can pre-pay for a personally autographed book deliverable upon the school visit day. (Please consider a donation of $50 dollars if the venue is over a 100 mile radius of Colorado Springs).

Pricing for distances beyond a 1 hour drive are negotiable, depending upon the distance.

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